Our mission is to be Christs’ church, where He transforms lives.
We desire to reflect what delights God by loving and obeying Him, loving and
encouraging one another, and sharing Jesus with others.
We are committed to drawing and accepting people into a loving and friendly circle
of hope, where Gods’ forgiveness is received and life is found in Him.
We seek to develop ministries that serve the needs of our generation and others.
We are committed to help every believer:
Grow in their Faith.
Recognize their Spiritual Gifts and Abilities given by God.
Be equipped to carry out His plan for their lives.
1. The Bible
We believe in preaching, teaching, and sharing the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
2. Prayer
We believe in prayer as the means for seeking and listening to God for direction, intervention, and connection to Him and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
3. Worship
We believe in praising God together and privately as we enter into Gods’ presence with Thanksgiving.
4. Stewardship
We believe in using our gifts, resources, and abilities to serve God as each has been equipped by Him.
5. Fellowship
We believe in sharing our lives with one another for community, encouragement and care.
6. Transformation
It is never too late to become what God wants you to be.