Our Pastor

Shann & Loris Profitt
Shann Profitt is a bi-vocational Pastor, building custom homes, with Shann Profitt Construction since 2000. Shann taught adult Bible class at the Cottonwood Creek Community Church 1998-2013. During that time Shann took seminary classes from Masters Seminary. Shann began filling the pulpit for vacationing pastors from 2014 to 2015. In 2015 Shann became the pastor at the Uniontown Community Church. In 2016 Shann began pastoring the First Church of God in Clarkston Washington where he currently serves. Shann has an ongoing role in ministry in Northern Thailand since 2000.
Pastor Shann is a native of Grangeville Idaho where he was raised by his mother and stepfather who was a building contractor who taught Shann the construction trade.
Shann has a comfort in speaking God’s Word, to people inside and people outside the church. Shann is known for his practical teaching style which helps people apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives. He believes the Bible is the inspired word of God and that everyone should read it every day. His main point of teaching is that we have three rules to please God. We need to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul and mind, and we also need to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22) With that love, we need to go out and create disciples.
He and his wife, Loris, have been married since 1982. They are the proud parents of three adult boys. Dylan, Joel, and Micah. They also have eight grandchildren.